Dear Race Fans,
Thank you for your interest in my list of stock car photos. Additional photos will be added to the list from time to time. As a reference, this list is dated 3/1/02. All of the photos are black and white and are available only in the 8x10 size. The current price is $8.00 each. There is also a $3.00 postage and handling charge for each order. Please order by the number located on the far left of the page and reference the driver's name.
The following is a guide to abbreviations and track designations used in the list:
FCVF: Full car view with driver holding checkered flag;
FCVP: Full car view with driver posed next to, in front of or inside of car;
FCV: full view of car;
CO: car only, driver not in picture;
TP: trophy presentation photo;
AS: car at speed;
1958C: "c" before or after year designates estimated year of photo;
XXXX: year of photo unknown;
CONVT: convertible stock car;
CLSP: close up of driver next to car, full car not shown.
IL: Illiana Motor Speedway (Schererville, Ind.);
RP: Raceway Park (Blue Island, Ill.);
SF: Soldier Field (Chicago, Ill.);
SFE: Santa Fe Speedway (Willow Springs/Hinsdale, Ill.);
WK: Waukegan (Ill.) Speedway;
OH: O'Hare Stadium (Schiller Park, Ill.);
MIL: Milwaukee Mile;
RR: Rensselaer (Ind.) Raceway;
GC: Grundy County Speedway (Morris, Ill.);
Broadway/Southlake Speedway (Crown Point, Ind.);
WIR: Wisconsin International Raceway (Kaukauna, Wis.);
HEN: Henry's Speedway (Boswell, Ind.);
ESCA: Escanaba (Mich.) Raceway;
BER: Berlin Raceway (Marne, Mich.);
GS: Golden Sands Speedway (Plover, Wis.);
WIN: Winchester (Ind.) Speedway;
LAX: LaCrosse Interstate Speedway (West Salem, Wis.);
SALEM: Salem (Ind.) Speedway;
HART: Hartford (Mich.) Speedway;
RF: Rockford (Ill.) Speedway);
DELLS: Dells Motor Speedway (Wisconsin Dells, Wis.);
SY: Sycamore (Ill.) Speedway;
LG: Lake Geneva (Wis.) Raceway;
MANCE: Mance Park Speedway (Hodgkins, IL):
SILVER: Silverdome (Pontiac, MI).
Again, thanks for your interest in my photo list and I hope you find it interesting.
For More Information Please Contact:
Stan Kalwasinski
9618 Cypress Avenue
Munster, IN 46321
(219) 923-1475